Writing advice from The Hulk! that you never knew you needed.

I love craft books, I’m always looking for that little piece of advice that I can use to make my own stories better. I came across this one by accident, while researching five-act instead of three-act structure. ‘Hulk’ had some great points where that’s concerned! (A big thank you to @DaddyWarpig for pointing me in his direction.)  Below is a piece of advice that really resonated at the time, I hope it will for you too.

A story is a multifaceted thing. If you want to structure your story, remember to have both act structure for the main plot and act structure for each of your characters’ personality developments. By having all these varying structures, each with their own beats, with each character making active decisions, it creates a constant sense of moving forward for your movie. That’s why they call it “development,” as it is the key to bringing your audience along for the journey.

FILM CRIT HULK. Screenwriting 101 by Film Crit Hulk! 

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